Saint Valentine’s Day Breaks in the Forest of Dean

Breaks for couples with hot tubs

Saint Valentine’s Day Breaks in the Forest of Dean

All The Romance of Dean Forest For That Very Special Day. Book Now!

Saint Valentine'S Day 2020, Valentine, St Valentin, Kiss

Saint Valentine’s day is special to many millions of people. However, not many people know the real story of this most famous of saints.

Who was Saint Valentine?

Saint Valentine was a widely recognized 3rd-century Roman saint, commemorated in Christianity on February 14. From the High Middle Ages, his Saints’ Day is associated with a tradition of courtly love. There are two different Saints’ Lives for a St Valentine on February 14, but they are probably the same man. It is said that the Emporer Claudius II had a man called Valentine arrested in 270 AD.

Known to all as Claudius the Cruel, the Emporer had to maintain a large army. However, the Romans of the day were reluctant to join the Legions of Rome and Claudius and his advisors thought the reason for this lack of interest lay in the reluctance of men to leave their wives and sweethearts behind and go fighting abroad.

So, to solve this problem, Claudius decreed that all marriages and engagements in Rome were to be banned. However, Valentine, a holy priest, decided he would defy the decree and carried on performing marriage services. As you might imagine, Claudius the Cruel was not impressed. The prefect of Rome ordered the arrest and imprisonment of Valentine and that he be put to death by clubbing and then beheading.

Whilst imprisoned, the legend has it that Valentine fell in love with the warder’s daughter and, before he was put to death, he wrote her a farewell love letter which he signed ‘Frome your Valentine’. And so, a legend was born and lovers have celebrated February 14th and the holy priest Valentine who was made a saint by the Roman Catholic Church. See more

Book a lodge, cabin or cottage

The Forest of Dean is a romantic setting at any time of the year. Book yourself one of our lodges, cabins or cottages for St. Valentines Day, or, better still, the whole week. There is a great assortment of breaks available from Forest of Dean Lodges, check out the main website pages for full details. Be sure to book early to avoid disappointment.